Introduction to Programming


About this course In this 5-day course, students will learn the basics of computer programming through the use of Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and either the Visual C# or Visual Basic programming languages. The course assumes no prior programming experience and introduces the concepts needed to progress to the intermediate courses on programming, such as 20483B: Programming in C#. The focus will be on core programming concepts such as computer storage, data types, decision structures, and repetition by using loops. The course also covers an introduction to object-oriented programming covering classes, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Coverage is also included around exception handling, application security, performance, and memory management.


Before attending this course, students must have: Ability to use computers to start programs, open and save files, navigate application menus and interfaces Ability to understand logical concepts such as comparisons Understand number theory Ability to create, understand, and follow structured directions or step-by-step procedures Ability to understand and apply abstract concepts to concrete examples

Carga Horária:

40 H

Data da Próxima Turma:




Module 1: Introduction to Core Programming Concepts
Module 2: Core Programming Language Concepts
Module 3: Program Flow
Module 4: Algorithms and Data Structures
Module 5: Error Handling and Debugging
Module 6: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Module 7: More Object-Oriented Programming
Module 8: Introduction to Application Security
Module 9: Core I/O Programming
Module 10: Application Performance and Memory Management

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