Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#


This course you will learn advanced programming practices and techniques that will help you develop Windows Store apps. In this course, you will learn how design and develop Windows Store apps, as well as implement advanced features, such as using location information, streaming media to external devices, and integrating with online services. You will also learn how to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and Expression Blend tools. Windows Azure is required or used as part of the lab for this course, which may not be available in all countries. Please check with your Microsoft training provider that this cloud service is available in your area.  Training Providers please reference the course setup guide for more details. Audience profile This course is intended for professional developers who have one or more years of experience creating applications for a production environment and who are comfortable programming in C# and XAML to create Windows Store apps.


Before attending this course, students must have: 6 – 12 months experience programming in C# 3 – 6 months experience using Visual Studio 2013 (including experience using preview builds) 1 month of experience working on Windows Store apps

Carga Horária:

40 H

Data da Próxima Turma:




Module 1: Windows Store App Essentials 3
Module 2: Implementing Animations and Transitions
Module 3: Implementing Globalization and Localization
Module 4: Branding and a Seamless UI
Module 5: Advanced Data Scenarios in a Windows Store App
Module 6: Creating Reusable Controls and Components
Module 7: Implementing Advanced Contract Scenarios
Module 8: The Windows Push Notification Service
Module 9: Capturing Media
Module 10: Background Tasks
Module 11: Working with Sensors and Devices
Module 12: Generating Revenue with Your Windows Store App
Module 13: Securing Windows Store App Data
Module 14: Tracing and Profiling Windows Store Apps

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